
Artisan grower & florista

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Hi, I’m Pippa…

Owner of Ethical Blooms

Flower farmer and lady-in-waiting to Betsy & Rufus, my two Lakeland Terriers. Plus, an eclectic mix of hens a.k.a The Slug Patrol. Living near Bridgwater, Somerset with my tribe.


Usually found in the flower field with dirt under my nails

It feeds my soul

I am easily distracted by the bees and butterflies. Honestly, I feel I have to protect them all and in summer I spend a good deal of time catching them and giving them freedom from the polytunnel. Growing flowers in tune with the seasons is so fulfilling, it gives me a sense of pride.

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I wanted you to experience the delight & joy British flowers can bring.

sharing the love of flowers

I started selling flowers to share the beauty; the scent of Sweet Peas; big, blousy Dahlia’s; unusual seedheads; grasses picked from the farm’s meadow; aromatic herbs & foliage, all hand-picked to order, to give you the best vase life & to enjoy their unique richness. You can shop for them now here.


I hope to inspire & educate

Wildlife is my guiding principle

​Taking responsibility to protect the ecosystem by growing using organic methods and sustainable resources motivates me. Especially when, in two years I’ve seen fox families move into the field and had hedgehogs for the first time in ten years. If I can encourage one person to grow their own flowers, shop locally or be ethical in their choices I would be delighted.

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When I am not in the field

Patience & Nurturing

If not working in the field, I am working hard in my nursing job. Nursing and farming have lots of similarities: ensuring I provide the best quality and care to patient’s isn’t much difference to growing the best blooms for you. They both require patience and a lot of handwashing.




❀ The best part of my day is cutting blooms at sunrise & finding bees asleep on the flowers.

❀ The seed for Ethical blooms was sown in the dentist waiting room. (I kid you not).

❀ I try to live my ethical values. Dog toys are a downfall.

❀ I eat hot cross buns daily along with copious amounts of dark chocolate.

❀ My favourite flowers are scented Roses, Foxgloves, Wild Carrot & hedgerow blossoms.

❀ I am ruled by a bossy, demanding terrier (Betsy) with the cutest teddy bear face. If she doesn’t want to do what I suggest, she will grumble under her breath.


The environment leads me in all I do

Nature is my priority

British flowers have a 90% lower carbon footprint than imported flowers, buying from Ethical Blooms locally supports this farmer and local wildlife. 

The decisions and choices I make when growing flowers are done to protect the land where they are rooted. My passion to grow British flowers is balanced with my values to do as little harm as I can.

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 Kind words